Sunday, 16 October 2022

 20th October 2022

Our speaker was Jennifer Collier with a presentation on 'The Art of Paper and Stitch'







Jennifer is a graduate of the print, knit, weave course at MMU. She started working with empty tea bags into which she inserted objects and sealed them using wax, then to create fruit on large pieces of fabric, next was covering glossy magazine pictures in sellotape, rubbing the picture to transfer the image onto paper which led to her use of paper as a material as well as an inspiration.

Jennifer then started to 'patchwork' pieces of paper from books together, by hand, making them into dresses,coathangers, pairs of shoes etc.




 Recent work has seen the remaking of household items eg a 3D paper watering can featuring 'Mary Mary' nursery rhyme. A camera from maps with the decorative detail stitched into it. A Jug made from 4 pieces - body, base, handle, spout, a bird box featuring the 'Ladybird' bird books, using the hard cover for the roof and the pages for the box. For each one Jennifer makes a pattern/template, creates a toille to check it works and then makes her piece up, the template is kept for reference/further work.


Jennifer has also made a full size paper Hoover, Telephone, Microscopes, Camera's, Cassettes, Singer sewing machine, Armchairs, Tables etc. She has experimented with lighting using the frames and adding paper (ensuring safety requirements are met). A mug made from a printed cross stitch pattern which is then decorated in cross stitch to highlight.


Mini workshop @ 13.30 is 'Acorns' 


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