20th June 2024
' Curiously captivated' a presentation by Rachael Singleton
Workshop 1.5 days - Unfolded Ferneries with Rachael Singleton
20th June 13.00 - 15.30
21st June 10.00 - 15.30
' Curiously captivated' was an interesting presentation by Rachael describing her fascination and obsession and its influences on her work/making.
Rachael has always been a 'maker' and comes from a family of creative makers, this in earlier times probably developed as making things/clothes etc was a necessity. She has had a go at most things, embroidery, patchwork, painting and her work features paint/painting a lot hence Textile and mixed media artist.
To Rachael art has always been a joy and she has done what she has wanted to do rather than being bound by 'rules' she has always liked to 'play' and experiment. This has seen the creation of many sketch books including the concertina book below.
She has had a career in teaching and advising in the 'early years' age range where there is opportunity for more spontaneous /explorative learning. Rachael has also produced books, 'Thinking It Through' outlines the creative process encouraging people to think what gets them inspired and focus on this.
Rachael has identified being captivated by stones/stone walls, line, markmaking and containing with her work featuring one or more of these themes.
Stones/ stone walls - she collects pebbles, draws/photographs pebbles in rivers/sea, experiments, block prints, she often paints onto fabric, stitches into it, applies pebbles etc to it. Two pieces of work are 'Sandstone tubes' (feature silk, chiffon, organza layered onto painted cotton, stitched and made into tubes) and 'Ocean motion' (made from 5 pieces,wipes used to remove paint from print blocks, featuring reverse applique, stitch etc)