15th June 2023
'My art practice' by Maria Wigley was an interesting talk illustrated with examples of her work.
Maria likes making art and sees this as her interpretation of the world around her.
She took a degree in Fashion and Textiles which involved taster sessions in printing, weaving, knitting and embroidery. During this Maria realised that embroidery could be applied to many different areas and importantly could be done on a small scale by hand at any time rather than requiring a lot of equipment and space. Within the embroidery she incorporates fabric manipulation.
Maria likes printing,drawing and writing and uses hand and machine embroidery to stitch words onto the fabric.
Her work has developed, with some of her inspiration drawn from plant structures, poetry and oriental paintings. Poetry is a creative way of writing, Emily Dickenson wrote on envelopes and scraps of paper, Maria uses this idea in her work creating envelopes and using 'asemic writing' - abstract caligraphy where the words create a picture although the words themselves are not legible and do not mean anything.
Maria uses a combination of painting and stitch (machine and hand embroidery), she uses sketch books to draw - line drawing using pencil/charcoal. Her work uses layers of paper, aqua film, chiffon/silk and various soluble fabrics which can be put in an embroidery hoop to support and then drawn on and stitched onto. Once the drawn and stitch samples are complete Maria assembles them and once happy stitches the layers together.