Monday, 1 November 2021


Next meeting is 18th November 2021 with a presentation by Victoria Riley on ‘The Art of Batik’

Following the meeting is a mini workshop guided by one of our members.

21st October 2021

This was our second meeting of Connected Threads , with two visitors joining members for our first face to face speaker in 20 months.

We are arranging a Christmas Celebration with a surprise speaker and for the months ahead also have a selection of mini workshops planned.

Our speaker was Judith Rowley with ‘A Journey through Time’ outlining her journey to date. This started with an early love of making things, then  becoming a Primary teacher and progressing via a diploma in stitch textiles to being a textile artist with a focus on fabric manipulation, hand and machine stitch. Judith has always been interested in history and the past so uses this to inform her textile art as can be seen from the selection of her work.

Turquoise bag inspired by the
Tessellated mosaic at
 Chedworth National Trust

Poppies 1914/18,
 inspired by the lady who picked
 and placed the poppies 
 where a soldier  died. 


Mail bags on wheels which linked to form
 a train inspired by the suffragettes
who placed explosive devices into mail boxes.

Childs dress embroidered with
faces of babies who were
 left behind when the
 suffragettes were jailed.


Scarf created for fashion icon
Wallace Simpson which was inspired 
by finding the 1930's black bag.

'On the Box' people would pay into a
 'Friendly Society' putting money into
the box weekly to support the
 family in times of need 

Inspired by a piece of William Morris
 fabric which was cut up and then inlaid
 into apiece of work which
incorporated the colours and idea
 of strawberries from the original fabric.

Saturday, 18 September 2021


Connected Threads

On 16th September 2021 we held the inaugural meeting of our newly independent stitch group at Audlem Town Hall.

It was exciting to be able to meet together, after 19 months, to celebrate the new group, catch up with friends, look at and discuss the work members had produced. Throughout the enforced break we had, via ‘Zoom’, enjoyed talks and presentations delivered by a variety of speakers, attended virtually the Connected Threads 2 stitching group, for a stitch and chat, and participated in 3 online workshop sessions delivered by Ann Kelly. Other practical stitch projects undertaken were the postcard swap, with 40 cards being created and the ‘hearts’ which were exhibited virtually by Nantwich Museum in lieu of the postponement of our exhibition.

At the meeting which featured the AGM we also had a sales table providing the opportunity to ‘restock’, a raffle and to finish cake and tea/coffee.

The programme for the coming year 2021/22 includes a selection of speakers, various workshops, our exhibition in November and December at Nantwich Museum as well as the sales table and monthly raffle.

The next meeting on the 21st October 2021 is ‘A Journey through Time’ by Judith Rowley.






Monday, 6 September 2021

News Update

At last we are able to meet again in person, I hope you all have September 16th in your diaries.  As before the doors will open at 10.00am and the meeting will start at 10.30.  Please feel free to wear masks if you want, we will have sanitizer available and doors and windows open, so please wear extra layers if you think you will need them. 

This first meeting will be our opening AGM.  It will give you all a chance to meet and chat, we will bring you up to date with our plans and our financial situation, you will all receive a programme for 2021-2022 and we would love it if you have ideas and suggestions for our future activities and speakers.

We would also like to have a display of work that you have done over the last twelve months.  In particular we would love you to bring in your stitched hearts, your postcards, your work from the Anne Kelly workshop but we would love to see anything you have made. 

There will have the sales table open but we are not able to accept anymore donations of goods at the moment as we do have rather a lot in our cupboard.

We also will be having a raffle for a bag of goodies.  This month the colour is Blue, so if you have any blue items that you would like to donate to the raffle then please bring them along.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

What a year!

It's been a long time since the last post and how the world has changed! Hopefully we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel now. 

The news from Guild headquarters is not good but we intend to carry on as an independent stitching group.

We will know more after Thursday's meeting and will move forward from there.  Emails, Facebook announcements and posts on here will keep you up to date until we can meet again.