Monday, 14 October 2019

Catch up

In July the first Maggie Phillips lecture was delivered by Sarah Burgess. She gave an excellent talk and brought really interesting work for us to look at.

September was our AGM, Chair’s challenge and stitching activity
Daphne Ashby won the Chair’s challenge ‘inspired by’

The blue project was displayed for the first time and much admired

The October meeting is 'Journey Cloths' by Cherrilyn Tyler

Saturday, 13 July 2019

July meeting

The first Maggie Phillips Memorial Lecture will take place on July 18th.
The speaker is Sarah Burgess and the title of her lecture is

'DIS/rupting Influences'

This should be a great way to end another successful year for the branch.

May and June meetings

In May Brenda Scarman showed us examples of her many textile talents

Witty captions too!

In May there was also a day workshop with Jane Fairweather  - Oak trees in teacups

These are Jane's, look out for ours at next year's exhibition

In June Alice Fox gave us a fascinating talk on  'Findings'.  

We displayed our beautiful new bunting 

Also in June, Connected Threads 2 presented a banner to Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre

Sunday, 12 May 2019

March and April meetings

In March Laura Marriott explained to us how travel has inspired her designs for exciting colourful digital embroidery


The April meeting was a talk on Vietnamese and Cambodian textiles by Mary Hart

Friday, 22 February 2019

January and February meetings

The January meeting was a members' meeting. Several new challenges were issued and as usual members accepted them with enthusiasm.
Work began on letters for a new banner and 'Blue and Pearl' pieces.
Also in January we had a stand at Nantwich Quilters Exhibition and Fabric Sale.
It was a lovely day, our work was much admired and generated a lot of interest.

The February meeting was a talk by Pat Salt entitled  'A Morning with a Quiltmaker'
Pat is much more than a quiltmaker! She brought examples of beautiful appliqué, stencilled and painted designs, Kantha work and exquisite stitching as well as 'traditional' quilts.
An inspiring talk which was very much appreciated by the large audience.


Friday, 11 January 2019

January meeting

The next  meeting will be a members' meeting.
There are lots of new activities planned for 2019 so bring glasses, if you need them, and a basic sewing kit on January 17th.

Christmas Lunch 2018

An entertaining talk on 'The Confessions of an Edwardian Shopoholic at Christmas' by Meredith Towne

followed by an excellent lunch

 the gifts were hedgehogs!

the swap was 'fridge magnets

an excellent end to another successful year for the branch.