Monday, 20 March 2017

April mini workshop

The list of requirements for April's mini workshop :

4 Square Mini-Workshop Requirements List
·      Sewing kit
·      2 pieces of cotton/calico type fabric at least 6ins by 6ins. (One piece will be a backing for the other).
·      Hoop at least 4ins diameter.
·      Threads; assorted textures, cottons, silks. You may like to choose a selection based around different shades of one colour with one or two contrasting. Or you can just have a glorious jumble of colours!
·      Pen whose marks fade or can be removed by water.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

March meeting

The March meeting will be a talk by Jo Atherton entitled

“Small things forgotten – weaving with flotsam”

Monday, 6 March 2017

Connected Threads printing morning

A busy morning printing with Thermofax screens

The remaining dates until July are:
20th March

3rd April

24th April

15th May

5th June

19th June

3rd July

17th July

Clair Muir workshop

We had a full day workshop with Clair Muir making machine embroidered flowers

Two finished to date!